Automating ArcMap

But now thanks to the IMapDocument interface, it's very easy to create a standalone application that can create a new MXD file or alter an existing one. Pretty much any object an ArcMap document can be accessed - data layers, page layout, graphic elements - you name it. It's still not true automation since you're not actually opening an ArcMap session, but if you really needed to, you could launch your MXD document once the stand-alone program does its job.
How easy is it? Here's a very simple sample that draws a big square on an existing MXD document and then saves it with a different name. From this starting point, you could also add layers, text and whatever crazy stuff you'd want on a map. Visual Studio Project
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto
Imports ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry
Public Class Form1
Private m_pDoc As IMapDocument
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
m_pDoc = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub CreateMXD()
Dim aDoc As IMapDocument = Nothing
'Create a new MXD Document
While aDoc Is Nothing
aDoc = New MapDocument
End While
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")
End Try
m_pDoc = aDoc
End Sub
Private Sub AddRectangle()
'Adds a graphic element to the layout
Dim pPageLayout As IPageLayout
Dim pContainer As IGraphicsContainer
Dim pGraphicElement As IElement
Dim pEnvelope As IEnvelope
'Specify where to put the rectangle (on the page layout)
pPageLayout = m_pDoc.PageLayout
pContainer = pPageLayout
'Create a rectangle
'If you wanted to get fancy, you could change the symbology here
pGraphicElement = New RectangleElement
pEnvelope = New Envelope
pEnvelope.XMax = 8
pEnvelope.XMin = 0.5
pEnvelope.YMax = 8
pEnvelope.YMin = 0.5
pGraphicElement.Geometry = pEnvelope
'Add the rectangle to the page layout
pContainer.AddElement(pGraphicElement, 0)
End Sub
Private Sub SaveDoc()
'Save the MXD document
End Sub
End Class